Did anyone else know that Dr Seuss wrote very political children's books?
I just finished reading The Butter Battle Book to my oldest. Silly me, I just assumed that if it was Dr Seuss, I didn't need to pre-read it. We took it home before I ever opened the cover. Low and behold, we get into it, and boom; big political themes that are far too complicated for a children's book.
This one seems to be all about the cold war, with the book ending in both sides hold a nuclear bomb over their wall, wondering who would drop it first. No happy ending. The book was written in 1984, and the cold war hadn't ended yet. Wow. Talk about a discussion to have right before bed time.
"That wasn't very nice, was it, Lilly?"
"No, that was mean. They want to blow each other up."
At least we can discuss it, but still, I need to learn my lesson for sure this time, and always check everything we bring home.
My Little Valentine
10 years ago
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