Potty training is one of the parts of parenting that I loathe. I really is.
It makes me wonder if we could just skip it, and they could figure it out by themselves before they turn 5. I think I would be willing to buy diapers for that long, if I could just avoid the process. I know, though, that we just have to do it.
We are in the throws of the P.T. process now. The little one is beginning to grasp pooping on the potty. I don't have much warning, and when she says potty, we have to run. I have to basically drop everything and take her straight to the potty, or she will go in her diaper. The problem is, that she still doesn't quite get her body's signals yet. So, if she has bad gas, we drop and run to the potty. Which is annoying, to say the least.
In fact, it makes it near impossible to get anything done. I was trying to read a book with the big one, who needs to read a non-fiction book for a book report. Well, I had to drop and run to the potty 2 times while reading. It wasn't that long of a book. We just couldn't get through it. The little one comes running in, and tells me she needs to go a 3rd time. This time, I say no. I ask her to wait just a minute. We only had 2 pages left. Of course, this is the time she really needed to go, and she pooped in her diaper. I know I should have stopped what I was doing, but with that many stops, it is affecting the flow and comprehension of the book for the big one. It just needed to be done.
She doesn't get pee yet, though. She comes to me immediately after she pees, so fast that her diaper is still really warm, and tell me she has to pee. So, we are close, but just not there yet.
Arg. This sucks, to put it mildly. What else sucks is that by the time my husband will come back, I will have gone through all the terrible habit breaking things all by myself.
I broke her from her beloved pacifier (pa-pa) all by myself. I am doing the potty training, and I think she may be done, or pretty close by the time he gets home. I am about to get her a big girl bed, as soon as I can find one I like, and move her from my bed to her own bed. By the time he gets back, all the baby things will be done.
Well, now that I am about to cry, perhaps I should look at the brighter side of it all. First, some how, surprisingly, I managed to get away without any kind of edible reward system this time around the PT track. The only reward the little one wants and gets, is a pull up when she goes on the potty. Well, that and a little song and dance from mom, who won't be sharing that with anyone else. She loves the Dora pull ups, and knows she only gets them if she goes on the potty. She also knows that is she potties in her pull up, it goes in the trash and she has to earn another. So, that is good.
It will also be good to have her out of diapers, and not spend that money anymore. That is $20 more a month to go toward my MNOs when my husband gets back.
Finally, it will be thrilling to have her in her own bed, especially when the husband comes home. I don't think that needs any explanation, either.
So, there are some bright sides to this crappy (ha) process. I guess I need to focus on those, and keep my eyes on the prize. That $20 will buy more than a couple of well drinks at a very well deserved night out!
My Little Valentine
10 years ago
When's the MNO scheduled for? ;)
I think it's great that she is into PT! She tells you that she needs to go?? She'll get it in no time.
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