I have a feeling that Sundays are going to come to be really cherished for me.
We have had family Sunday traditions for a while, I've even blogged about them before. Of course, when your life changes, sometimes your traditions change, at least a little, too. Sundays have changed, but for the better in some ways. At least, better for me.
In the past, we have had pancake breakfast, then pizza and game night.
Now, some of that will stay, and some will go. We probably won't have time for a big breakfast anymore. The pancakes will have to move to Saturday mornings, which will be ok. Sundays now, will be church day with MimMim (aka Grandmother or My Mom). The girls get up early, get ready, and I take them all to church in time for Sunday School. So far, they love going to church with mom, and it is good for them. So, that is a definite score. The next win, is that I get the next one to two hours by myself! That is a total win! I can have the house mostly to myself, and just do what I want, like shower in peace. I mean, you can't get much better than that.
Then, for dinner/supper, we will still be doing pizza and game or movie night. That is also one of my favorite family things to do. We make our own pizza and play games. We love playing games as a family, even if The Big One cheats at everything, even Connect 4. So, the games and pizza will go on.
Yes, Sundays will be a good day. Me time in the morning, family time at night. Sounds like a good day for everyone.
My Little Valentine
10 years ago
That hour or two makes a BIG difference! Glad you are getting some time to yourself. I was so happy to read your blog today after not checking it for awhile and see the new entries. Yay!
I think that is great that they get to do that with MimMim, and you get some 'me' time. You deserve it!
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