I had one of the weirdest and yet somehow coolest, experiences ever today. What I am about to tell you is totally true, and I swear I am of sound mind.
Today, we were stopped by Santa, (Yes I know it is a little early for Christmas references, but I couldn't help this one.) and he told my children they were being good, and actually gave them something for proof.
Today was an errand day. One of those totally fantastic days that everyone who has to take children around with them loves.
My day was made even better by the fact that The Little One was in rare form. She started off today by picking quite a snazzy outfit. There were black sparkling leggings, a pink t-shirt with a skull, bow, and rhinestones on it, a sparkling headband, and to top it all off, her princess shoulder bag, which she insisted on as it her as it had her "two monies" in it and she might need to buy something. What you can get with 6 cents, I don't know, but I wasn't going to argue today.
Not only was she dressed to the nines, but her attitude matched. She thought she was cute stuff. Granted, she was, and is.
As a final errand, we had to run by the bank. As we walk in, The Little One strutting her stuff, bag on shoulder, I notice an older biker style gentleman with a long white beard, and black leather vest watching her. The older man was trying not to laugh. You could tell he thought she was cute.
We get in line, because there is always a line at my bank, and wait. The Biker gentleman walks up to us and stops. He looks at me and says "Seems like they have been pretty good."
I just nod and agree, because when someone tells you that your kids are being well behaved, you just agree.
Then he looks at the girls and says "I think you all have been very good, and I want to give you something." He pulls these cute and cheesy little coins out that say "you have been caught being good" on them. He tell them what the coins say, and gives them each one. They thank him, and he gets in line a few people back from us.
Then, he calls me "Mom" and gets my attention. He starts making small talk about The Little One. He ask if she was independent, which I replied in the affirmative rather quickly. Apparently his youngest granddaughter is the same.
"She must be a hand full too, then", I said back.
He smiled. He said his granddaughter was quite precocious. I again replied that I totally understood.
I turned around to talk to The Big One, who had been trying to get my attention. She leans in, and whispers to me.
"Do you know that man?".
I told her no.
"Don't you know you aren't supposed to talk to strangers?"
I tried not to laugh. I explained that it was ok and why.
The biker gentleman gets my attention with another "Mom".
Then, he tells me the strangest thing. "Weekends in December at Seaport Village".
I probably looked as dumbfound as I felt because I had no idea what he was talking about. Seaport Village is a great little touristy area that does a lot of neat things for kids, but I wasn't sure what he was getting at.
Until he tugged his white beard.
Holy crap I had been talking to Santa. I even said that Santa's granddaughter must be a handful. I hope that didn't put me on the naughty list, because according to The Man himself, my girls are pretty good. He even gave them proof.
Right about then it was our turn. I wished him a good day and we went on about our business.
Later on, when retelling the story to her dad, The Big One had the epiphany as well. Her eyes got big, and you could actually see the light bulb go off above her.
"What if that was the real Santa?"
We told her it might have been good, and reminded her he knows if she is being good or bad, and is always watching. I think this one may leave a lasting impression on her. Well, lasting the next 2 months approximately, anyway.
No matter what, as soon as they start to forget about those coins, I plan on hiding them away somewhere. When they are older I will tell them the story about Santa stopping them in the bank, telling them they were being good, and give them their coins back. They can pass that on to their own children and grandchildren if they want.
I love a good Santa story for the generations.
My Little Valentine
10 years ago
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