Last week, we officially scheduled my c-section for The Littlest One. I have 10 weeks until the big day at this point.
That time will fly by. I know it will. Compounded by the fact that my husband is currently out of town, I feel a real rush to get things done in any little bit of time we have with him.
As of right now, we have exactly nothing done. Her room is still full of bags of clothes that I need to finish sorting and putting away from our move. There are clothes saved for The Little One to grow into, baby clothes, some of my old clothes, and just about everything else that didn't have an immediate place during the move.
Not only do I need to empty her room, but I really need to start filling it back up pretty quickly. We have gotten rid of pretty much everything baby related. The only things left for her are a rocking chair and some of the clothes I kept that were sentimental to me. I've been putting a lot of things off, waiting for him, and I feel like I just cant' wait anymore.
So, I ask him if it was ok if I started picking things out without him. He gave me the green light. In fact, he gave me the go so quickly it sort of took me back. I couldn't imagine letting him pick out everything without, but then again, that's me, not him. As he has reminded me several times this pregnancy, this isn't his "first time at the rodeo". I suppose its not. Then he tells me that as much as he loves each and every child, and loves the one yet to be here very much, that things like the color of the crib or car seat don't matter to him. The baby matters. As long as we have things she needs, and things that are safe and appropriate, then he is fine with anything I pick. In fact, when we discussed cribs, his only insight was that he wanted to be sure we got a safe one that met current safety standards as they recently changed. Safe is important. White versus cherry wood isn't. I guess I kind of get that.
He kept telling me it isn't that he doesn't care, its just that those things don't really matter in the long run to him. They matter much more to me. I want every thing to be exact down to the style of crib skirt I pick to go around the bottom of the crib. A box pleat versus ruffled would totally change the view of the room to me, but I seriously doubt he would ever notice.
I have to let go of the fact that he won't be into the details. I seriously doubt many men truly are. I would say I forced enough of that on him the first two times we did this anyway. It doesn't mean he doesn't care. It just means he is a guy who doesn't get into that. As long as I don't force a pink diaper bag on him, I think we will be good to go with anything. So, off to pick things I go, with or without him. I may take The Girls with me. I know they certainly have enough opinions to share on pretty much everything we may or may not even need.
My Little Valentine
10 years ago
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