Today, I feel like doing some sort of 37 week celebration dance. Not that I could, even if I really, really wanted to at this point nor do I want to scare my small children by shaking everything that I have right now, but I do feel like it. I'm thrilled to have hit 37 weeks today. At 37 weeks, the baby is considered full term, and in the beginning, we weren't sure that we could get here. So, being here, having her be healthy, and knowing she is getting all I can give her is thrilling. It hasn't been easy, and I still have two weeks left before the c-section/surgery, but I would be willing to bet that these last two weeks will fly by. We still have a lot to do, and I have both girls here. Once My Husband gets back, which will be very soon, we are going to be going crazy with last minute preparations. I'm just so excited today, and beginning to let go of all the worry and stress that has engulfed so much of this pregnancy. I do realize that I will still have a big surgery ahead, with a long recovery, but once its done, but I can't wait to start healing and heading toward a normal like again, with my whole, complete family at home.
My Little Valentine
10 years ago
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