School is not the place where you send your child just to get away from them. It isn't a free baby sitting service. After school activities are not more free sitting services.
Do not drop Jr off and then run to your me time. Stay there. Wait at school with them every now and then until the bell rings. You might just learn something.
Take some time. Get involved. Be a part of making your child's educational experience a great one both at home and at school. Care about your child and their future. Care about the future of every child at that school. Be a parent.
I wish more parents would take me up on this.
Thanks to all of those parents that do care and are involved. You should be proud of yourselves.
That is all. You may now go on your way.
My Little Valentine
10 years ago
oops! you're right. i'm the mom that drops and runs. my son cries when i drop him off so, i thought dropping and running would be best. i'll do better! :)
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