It has been two days here now with no microwave. Ok, actually, it has been about 31 and a half hours, but I swear it feels longer.
I had no idea how much I relied on that thing. It seems like life came to a screeching halt the moment it died. So many little things each day are taken care of by that one machine. For starters, each day I give myself one cup of coffee with Starbucks instant. It is really pretty good, and by using that, I really do limit myself to just one cup. So, each morning, I heat up my little cup of water in the microwave. Without it, I have to get out a pot, boil the water, dry the pot, and then put it away. Blah.
The same goes for my tea, which I also drink quite a bit of. I have plenty of caffeine free teas that I love to enjoy, especially on cooler days, and each one require the same long pot involved method right now.
All of this has forced me to bump up my electric tea kettle request for Christmas, because I swear I would use it.
After my nice warm drinks, I use the microwave for breakfast often. When I make The Girls a batch of pancakes, I usually make enough for two days. On the second day, they go in the microwave wrapped in a damp paper towel. If not that, then maybe a piece of veggie sausage for me, or for the Little One.
Lunch is almost always made using the microwave. We reheat leftovers pretty much every day. I always over prepare dinner each night with the intention that it provides lunch throughout the week. So, not being able to reheat easily puts a serious damper on that plan, and on all the leftovers we have in the fridge that need to be eaten.
I can't really tell you, and perhaps I shouldn't just because I rely on that thing so much, how many times a day we use it, but I can tell you that we all miss it. The Little One really misses pushing the buttons, or telling me "her numbers" as she likes to dictate the time I put on everything. The Big One would just like breakfast a little faster. Most of all, they all really want me to have my coffee as quickly as possible in the morning. I agree with them. Someone needs to fix this problem before the microwave isn't the only that can't fulfill it's obligations in the morning.
My Little Valentine
10 years ago
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