I am so over the people out there who feel some ridiculous need to show the superiority in the choices they make as parents over the choices other people make. If you feel the need to actually show people how much of a better parent you are, then I have two things to tell you. First, you probably aren't just because of what your actions alone teach your child. Second, Get-over-yourself. Your poop does in fact stink and you actually get dressed in the same one pant leg at a time that every other parent does. The only difference is that you seem to think you do it better where as most of us realize were all just doing the best we can.
You see, as parents, we are all struggling to get through this, and figure this whole thing out one day at a time in our own way. While we may look to each other for support or help, I don't think any of us look to each other to be knocked down a peg or two. Frankly, there are days when I don't think I could afford to be knocked down an inch, let alone a peg or two.
So, let me openly admit that I am not perfect. I do things that may make some of you cringe.
I let my children watch TV. While I generally limit the things they are allowed to watch, I do let them watch. In our house, the tv is often just background noise while we do other things, like arts and crafts, work on writing and the alphabet, or what have you. While I don't care if they watch, I do care about what they watch. It may surprise you to learn that as free wheeling as we are with the remote, I don't let them watch Sponge Bob as I see nothing redeeming in that show what so ever. If they are going to watch, I don't want it to be crap. There are definitely times when I turn it off, or when it is limited, but in general, I don't care if it is on, as long as it is an ok show. If your child never watches tv in their lives, great for you all! I'm glad you are devoted to being your child's sole form of entertainment 24/7 and hope that works out well for you all. I have found it not only to be a sanity saver for myself at times, but by choosing something with an educational benefit, I have seen my child be opened up to many things I would never have thought to teach them.
Yes. I feed my child fast food. They love it. They even appreciate and show their appreciation by using the good manors I have taught them by saying please and thank you for their fast food meals in boxes or bags. I hope your child says please and thank you for whatever it is you serve them. You see, I don't care if you choose to feed your child purely organic, vegan, fruititarian diet, or whatever other thing kind of thing you might think is best. That is all fabulous...for you. If you and your family are happy with your life, then good on you. You should feel the same way for me, and even if you don't, you should fake it. This is how it is supposed to work.
So, having confessed a couple, but surely not all, of the sins you see me commit as a parent, if you would like to leave any comments as to confirm my atrocities, I ask that you please write them all down on paper. Take that paper, and fold it neatly. Then, stick where the sun don't shine. At least then you would have a reason to be grumpy with me.
And the next time you see a parent make a decision that you would never make, be nice. If you absolutely have to comment, say something generic and pleasant like, "that will be nice for them" or simply, "ok, great" or whatever else that you can come up with. If all else fails, just smile and nod. Think about that little piece of paper I mentioned, and where it belongs. Then grin and bear the atrocity before you like the good supportive friend and fellow parent you should be.
My Little Valentine
10 years ago
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