This morning, when I woke up, something was wrong. There was a disturbance in the force, of sorts. I got ready, came down stairs, and there was The Big Little One, eating her weird concoction of 5 different kinds of cereal, and I realized what it was. I now have two school age children and only one baby.
Today is The Big Little One's birthday.
While I knew it was her birthday, I am the one who gave birth after all, it really hit me that in a few months, I will be sending two girls to school, and not one. I'll suddenly be back to just one child with me all day. I'll be able to do things you do when you have only one child, and that child is younger. We can go back to the toddler story time. I can go hang out at a park, and not have to worry constantly about trying to keep my eyes on all my children at once. Things will be different. This time around, on her first day of school, I won't have nearly the anxiety about her that I did with her big sister. I've done this once before and that helps. More importantly, I know she is ready. She is so independent. She wants to go. She talks about going to school almost every time we walk by the kindergarten classes as we drop The Big One off at school. Probably most importantly of all, I know she will not only thrive, but she will flourish. She is a smart kid. She loves to learn. She will love school in general. I'm sure there will be challenges along the way for her, there are for everyone, but I expect her to do very well, and tackle them head on, just like she does everything else. I can picture her being my athlete, and competing in every sport each of her schools have to offer as she grows. I can see her being the one with the soccer, softball, and maybe even basket ball games year round, while perhaps her older sister is a cheer leader. They are just so different, it amazes me.
Today we will have birthday cake and ice cream. There will be presents. We will celebrate how wonderful and amazing she is. Today, it will be about her as much as it possibly can be. Next year, there will be new friends, and a party with kids from class for the first time. She is growing up so quickly, I can't believe it. I swear just yesterday she was taking her first steps, and learning to use the potty. Now, she is about to enter the world of the big kids, and really start a major new phase in her life.
I love you, my sweetheart. You are amazing and fantastic. You are funny and ferocious. I am thankful every day that you chose me to be your mom. I love you forever. Happy Birthday!
My Little Valentine
10 years ago
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