I'm actually working on catching up on some of my blogging (I swear), but in the mean time, I thought I would share a quick moment from my day yesterday.
We are currently down to one car. Until we make the decision about where to move, we have no immediate plans to buy another one, either. So, we spend a lot of time in the truck right now, shuffling it back and forth for everything we all need.
On the way to pick My Husband up from work, The Big Little One and I are discussing something, no idea what, and I told her I agreed with her about what ever it was. She got quiet for a moment. Then, in a very thoughtful voice, she said "Mom, sometimes, you are on my side, and sometimes you are not". That is a very powerful statement from a 4 year old. I looked over my shoulder to where she was sitting, behind the passenger's seat, at her beautiful face. I wasn't sure exactly where to go with it. I started with telling her that mom may or may not always agree with everything she does or says, but I will always support her and be in her corner. I went on and on. I wanted to make sure to address any concerns she might have, and make she knows that I always support her, even if I don't agree with her, no matter what. I finished it all up, with a simple "Ok?" to make sure she understood.
She immediately replied in a strained tone that showed she was at the end of her patience, "No, Mom, I mean sometimes you are on my side of the car, and sometimes you aren't." Oh. Yes. Well, then. Ok. I told her she was absolutely correct. Sometimes I drive, and sometimes I ride. At least, now she knows where I stand on many things, as well as where I sit.
My Little Valentine
10 years ago
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