I am writing this blog as a plea to the general, cookie buying, public. I know those cute little girls in the blue and brown Girl Scout uniforms are hard to resist when they ask you to buy cookies. I know those big doe eyes on a 5 year old make it impossible to say no. I know because I have one. I'm glad their cuteness works and you stop to buy a box of cookies even if you don't want it.
In our troop, we are thankful for every box sold. I want to ask you, though, please, please, don't pass up the older girls. Teenagers are hard. I know, I have one of those, too. As a troop leader, its even harder to keep the older girls engaged. They have so much more to do between school work, many after school activities, and having a normal teenage social life. So, to see them continue to invest in a program that is teaching them to be strong women who will change the world makes my heart soar. The Biggest One is now a Cadette in Scouts. She wears the tan uniform, usually with a cat ear headband, and she looks like she is 15, even though she isn't. She is smart, funny, and driven. She already has a plan for her life that I wish I had at her age. This year, she is implementing that plan by going to a special camp where she will start as a councilor in training. Her plan is, by the time she turns 16, be a junior camp counselor, and at 18, be a Girl Scout camp counselor all through college each summer for her summer job to help pay for books.
The thing is, this camp is expensive. Even more so than a normal scout camp. In fact, most of her activities are more expensive as an older scout. So each and every one of those boxes of cookies she sells are vitally important to her. She needs to raise the money to be able to get to her camp, learn more about astronomy with trips to the closest observatory, as she is still trying to decide between astronomy and microbiology as degree and career path (she is leaning toward microbiology as she wants to be able to research lupis and find a cure or treatment that actually works). Knowing that she needs to sell more, she works harder. She works with every one of those little doe eyed girls and shows them how to sell cookies. She teaches and trains them like a champ. After all, she has been selling since she was a little doe eyed 5 year old. She is willing to go house to house for hours. She will work every single booth sale I allow her, in between play practice on weekends and all county band. Even with all that hard work, she can't sell as many as the cute little girls do. For some reason, it is easier to say no to the older girls. I guess you think they can take it. The last time she went door to door, she went to street after street, and only sold 5 boxes. Hours of work for 5 boxes. She was ready to go out for more, though. She wants that sale. Same thing happens at both sales. I pair her with a little one as often as I can so that the sales are higher for her. She knows it, too, but she doesn't let it stop her. I respect that drive, and I wish every one out there would, too.
So, the next time a girl in a tan uniform knocks on your door, please open it and consider buying a box. If they are still selling by the time they look like they are about to drive, it means they are strong, dedicated girls who will be the next leaders and game changers of our world. Consider that dedication, and buy a box, even though they don't have doe eyes, even though they may be as tall or taller than you, and even though they might wear cat ears when they ask. I promise it means as much if not more than the box you buy from the cute little bitty ones. Don't stop buying from the cute little ones, either. I'm just saying, a scout is a scout, and consider your purchase equally. After all, I have three girls, from the cute little doe eyed one in a blue uniform, to a middle aged (for scouts) girl in the Girl Scout green uniform, up to my oldest in the tan. She is almost as tall as me, which is another of her life goals, but don't let that stop you. Buy a box. Please. I promise she will say thank you.
If you want to buy any boxes from any of my girls, you can buy from the littlest one here.
You can buy from the middle one (she is pretty cute, too, though I didn't get to talk much about her in this blog) here.
And last, but not least at all, the biggest one here.
No matter who you buy from, what council, what age of girl, I appreciate each of you who buy cookies, and please, don't forget that if you can't eat them, you can treat them to members of the military by donating cookies. (Cookie donations to the military are also tax deducible if your into that kind of thing!!)
Thanks again, and try the new S'mores cookie.
My Little Valentine
10 years ago
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