If there is one thing I learned from my many years of leading a moms group, it is that building a good organization takes a great team. One person, no matter how dedicated they are, can not do it all, at least not with out driving themselves into the ground, or taking speed, or both. (The speed is a reference to an episode of Desperate Housewives, back when I used to watch.) You see, I tried to do everything when I first started up the group, and that just wasn't working for me. Once I realized that I needed help, and I got great help, the group started to flourish. It takes both a dedicated leader and people who are willing to pitch in to make something really work.
So, I take all of that with me as I move forward in my volunteer career. I just started a Girl scout troop for both my girls, as there wasn't one that could take them. I am fully aware of how much I need help. I could try to do it all, but there are a few problems with that. First, Girl Scouts won't let me. It is against the rules for there to be only one adult present at get together. We must have at least two non related adults. That means my husband can't count, even if he is registered as a co-leader since he will be with us a lot (he happens to also be first aid trained and a great resource for many of the outdoor skills I want to teach the older girls). Still, we need other adults to pitch in.
Second, I have a life to live, and need to do so. When I first started my moms group, I let it run my life, and that wasn't good for me. I had to learn that the hard way. I tried to do everything and please everyone, but that didn't work. I made a lot of mistakes, and it took me a long time to realize just how thin was too thin when it came to stretching myself.
I want help. I welcome help. I actually am begging for help, but the parents have to be willing to give it. Some will freely. Some will when forced. Some just don't want to. That makes me sad.
I don't run a troop for myself. I do this so that my girls can have a fantastic experience. I want them to have a full child hood, and to me, this is just a part of it. I know that it takes work, and I am willing to give that, for them. I wish all my parents felt the same way. Like I said, some will, and some...well, I hope I can enrich their daughters' lives as much as humanly possible for this one woman.
My Little Valentine
10 years ago
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